Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (May 14, 2016)
Popular Saying
Poverty is not a Shame; but the being asham’d of it, is.
…Thomas Fuller
Engagement: In war, a battle; in love, the salubrious calm that precedes the real hostilities.
Armenian Proverb
His eye is greedy; his belly is full.
Kentucky, oh, Kentucky,
How I love your classic shades,
Where flit the fairy figures
Of the star-eyed Southern maids;
Where the butterflies are joying
‘Mid the blossoms newly born;
Where the corn is full of kernels,
And the Colonels full of corn!
…Will Lampton
A Lawyer’s Epitaph
Here lies a Lawyer,
Laugh, if you will,
In mercy, kind Providence,
Let him lie still.
He lied for his living,
He lived while he lied.
When he couldn’t lie longer
He lied down and died.
What’s in a Name?
Chirakian: Turkish in derivation, identified as a descriptive term, churak is defined as apprentice, pupil, pensioner, or servant; formerly, a person brought up as a servant in a great house and subsequently set up in life, usually by being married off.
Source: Armenian Weekly Mid-West