Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (March 26, 2016)
Armenian Proverb
In every man’s heart there is a sleeping lion.
Reunion Toast
Here’s to all of us!
For there’s so much good in the worst of us
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us,
To talk about the rest of us.
A Cynical View
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve the continuation of the species.
… W. Somerset Maugham
Persian Wit & Humor
A king was embarked along with a Persian boy slave on board a ship. The boy had never been at sea nor experienced the inconvenience of a ship. He set up a weeping and wailing, and all his limbs were in a state of trepidation; and however much they soothed him, he was not to be pacified. The king’s pleasure-party was disconcerted by him; but there was no help for it. On board that ship there was a physician. He said to the king, “If you will order it, I can manage to silence him.” The king replied, “It will be an act of great favor.”
The physician so directed that they threw the boy into the sea, and after he had plunged repeatedly, they seized him by the hair of the head and drew him close to the ship, when he clung with both hands to the rudder, and, scrambling upon the deck, slunk into a corner and sat down quiet. The king, pleased with what he saw, said, “What art is there in this?” The boy replied that originally he had not experienced the danger of being drowned, and undervalued the safety of being in a ship.
In like manner, a person is aware of the preciousness of health when he is overtaken with the calamity of sickness.
… Sadi, The Rose Garden
What’s in a Name?
Chitjian: Turkish in derivation, identified as an occupation, chit is defined as chintz, and chitji, a dealer in such.
Source: Armenian Weekly Mid-West